Cuna de repuesto para mascotas con fabricación original de K&H, (marco no incluido)

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Te ahorras $9.97


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Color Malla de color chocolate/negro.

Tamaño Medium 25 x 32 Inches


  • REPLACEMENT PET COT COVER Raised dog bed cover helps pets stay cool in warm spring and summer months by allowing air to circulate
  • STRONG & STURDY Dog cot cover is made with a heavy denier that holds over 200 pounds, durable and tested for strength. Cover is machine washable an can even be hosed off outdoors
  • QUICK & EASY INSTALLATION Exchange covers in minutes, no tools necessary. Includes cover only, frame is not included
  • INDOOR & OUTDOOR USE Breathable mesh center is great for indoor and outdoor use. Water resistant mesh center repels moisture
  • BRAND YOU TRUST Designed by K&H with OVER 20 years of experience in creating innovative, quality products.
  • DIMENSIONS Medium cover measures 25 X 32 inches and fits any K&H Medium Pet Cot frame

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Cuna de repuesto para mascotas con fabricación original de K&H, (marco no incluido)



Te ahorras $9.97
